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AHEIA regularly provides comments and publishes media releases to Australian media on the higher education sector.

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AHEIA Media Releases

Media release - Union Call Labelled A Stunt.pdf
26 June 2024 | Union Call Labelled A Stunt

University Conduct Management and Response Taskforce Formed (2).pdf
27 May 2024 | University Conduct Management and Response Taskforce Formed

AHEIA Media Release 13 February 2024 Intractable Bargaining.pdf
13 February 2024 | More problems with closing the loopholes law

Media Release 15 July 2022.pdf
22 January 2024 | Letter to the Editor

29 May 2022 | AHEIA to welcome Craig Laughton's leadership from July

23 August 2018 | AHEIA workplace planning a key to success

AHEIA Media Coverage

Please note: all links are to external websites. Some may require subscriptions to view content.