Home | Member Updates | Annual Leave Loading Limit 2023


10 October 2023

On 17 August 2023, the ABS advised that the May 2023 quarter average weekly earnings (trend) figure for all Australian males is $1640.90.

A number of university enterprise agreements reference the ABS August quarter average weekly earnings (trend) figure for all Australian males as a maximum for Annual Leave Loading payments. However, as the ABS no longer issues an August figure, these universities now use the May figure.

Please refer to the wording of your enterprise agreement to check whether this cap is appropriately applicable to your university.

For further details please see the figure for ‘Earnings; Males; Total earnings; All Industries’ taken from ‘TABLE 10C. Average Weekly Earnings, Industry, Australia (Dollars) - Original - Males, Total Earnings’ Excel Spreadsheet which is available to download here.

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