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AHEIA launches new website

19 January 2024

AHEIA has launched a new website to support an improved experience for its members.

Please login to ensure you are viewing member updates set to member viewing only, member pricing for training and events and the resource hub, including enterprise agreements, clause and salary databases. The most commonly accessed resources are all now in one central location, the Resource Hub.

The first time you login, you will need to reset your password. Unfortunately we are not able to migrate passwords from the previous AHEIA website.

If you do not currently have a login to the AHEIA website you can register easily for instant access using a member domain email address.

A small number of resources classified as particularly sensitive are restricted to senior workplace relations staff at member universities. If you do not have access and need it, please request it here.

High level website access

Request access to AMR, clause and salary databases

High level website access is only provided to senior HR and WR/IR staff due to the confidential nature of the information. Please provide your name, title, organisation and email address to confirm your eligibility to high level data access. We will contact you if we require further information.